
Dr. Daniele Di Mitri

DIPF – Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt, Germany

Dr. Daniele Di Mitri is Research Group Leader at EduTec group at DIPF institute in Frankfurt. Daniele holds a BSc degree in Computer Science, a MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence and doctoral degree from The Open University of The Netherlands (2020) in Learning Analytics. He received the Martin Wolpers Award in 2018 and he was nominated as AI Newcomer 2021 at the German KI Camp 2021. Daniele’s current research focus lays in creating responsible AI for education and human support.

Dr. Roberto Martínez-Maldonado

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Roberto Martínez-Maldonado is a Senior Lecturer of Learning Analytics and Human-Computer Interaction in the Faculty of Information Technologies at Monash University (Australia). His research focuses on multimodal learning-analytics and human-centered design to support teaching and learning in and across physical and digital spaces.

Dr. Olga C. Santos

Spanish National University for Distance Education, Madrid, Spain

Dr. Olga C. Santos is an Associate Professor with the Artificial Intelligence Department, UNED, Spain. She is also the Coordinator of the Master of Artificial Intelligence of UNED and leads the research project “INTelligent INTra-subject development approach to improve actions in AFFect-aware adaptive educational systems” (INT2AFF). Her current research interests focus on modelling psychomotor learning of complex motor skills, such as those involved when practicing martial arts.

Dr. Jan Schneider

DIPF – Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Frankfurt, Germany

Dr. Jan Schneider is a senior researcher at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education. His research focuses on the area of Multimodal interaction to support learning. In December 2017 Jan received his Ph.D. from the OUNL on the topic of sensor-based learning support. Throughout his career, he has developed innovative scientific prototypes that have been awarded in five different scientific conferences (EC-TEL 2014-2015, ICMI 2015, LAK2019).

Dr. Mutlu Cukurova

University College London, United Kingdom

Dr. Mutlu Cukurova is Associate Professor of Learning Technologies at University College London, UK. His research focuses on the design, development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics to support human learning. Mutlu is engaged with UNESCO’s ICT in Education unit, UCL’s Grand Challenges on Transformative Technologies, is an editor of the British Journal of Educational Technology and an AE of the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Dr. Daniel Spikol

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Daniel Spikol is an Associate Professor at the Center of Digital Education at the University of Copenhagen. Spikol’s position is divided between the Departments of Computer Science and Science Education. His current research investigates and develops tools for collaboration for learning with multimodal learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence. His work develops technologies that support learning, play, and reflection through computational tinkering and thinking.

Dr. Inge Molenaar

Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Dr. Inge Molenaar is associated professor Educational Sciences at the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University in the Netherlands. Her research in the Adaptive Learning Lab focusses on technology empowered innovation to optimize students’ learning. Dr. Molenaar envisions Hybrid Human-Systems that augment human intelligence with artificial intelligence to empower learners and teachers in their quest to make education more efficient, effective and responsive.

Khaleel Asyraaf Mat Sanusi

Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln, Cologne, Germany

Khaleel Asyraaf Mat Sanusi is a Ph.D. candidate at the Cologne Game Lab, TH Koeln, Germany. He is mainly working on the “Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills (MILKI-PSY)” project for his Ph.D. research and partly on the three Erasmus+ projects (ImTech4Ed, FemSTEAM Mysteries, BUNG). His current research interests are multimodal interaction, sensor-based learning for psychomotor skills development, and immersive learning technologies.

Prof. Dr. Roger Azevedo

Department of Learning Sciences & Educational Research, University of Central Florida, Florida, United States

Prof. Dr. Roger Azevedo is a Professor in the Department of Learning Sciences & Educational Research at the University of Central Florida. He is the Lead Scientist for UCF’s Learning Sciences Faculty Cluster Initiative. His main research area includes examining the role of cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and motivational self-regulatory processes during learning with advanced learning technologies (e.g., intelligent tutoring systems, hypermedia, multimedia, simulations, serious games, immersive virtual learning environments).

Prof. Dr. Michail Giannakos

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Prof. Dr. Michail Giannakos is a professor of interaction design and learning technologies at the Department of Computer Science of NTNU, and Head of the Learner-Computer Interaction lab. His research interests center on developing new ways for humans to interact with learning systems.

Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke

Cologne Game Lab, TH Köln, Cologne, Germany / Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Roland Klemke is chair of the department of Technology-enhanced Learning and Innovation of the Faculty of Educational Science of the Open University of the Netherlands, professor for game informatics at Cologne Game Lab of TH Köln, and CEO of Humance AG, Cologne. His research and teaching interests include artificial intelligence for education, multimodal learning experiences, augmented- and mixed-reality, multi-sensor architectures, game engine architectures, game development methodologies, serious gaming, game-based learning, gamification, and mobile learning.